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Date: 13 November, 2005 Topic: Pegasus... Posted by: potsmoke

It's been a while now, and we haven't posted any news for almost a year. Not strange considering that we have retired. I don't believe in "no news, is good news" like other groups do, so here are todays news:


All FHCF releases can now be found here and here

Date: 23 January, 2005 Topic: Lamer alert! Posted by: potsmoke

Once again we have been reminded why we left the so called "scene". All those kids running around and ripping us off.

Can someone tell me why BMR has a keygen with the four magic letters "FHCF" written in it?


And can someone tell me why they use our loader in their release? It's quite obvious that BMR is not a group at all... but if they really are (they're not), they must be the least skilled group i've ever seen. Good luck guys, you really gonna need it.

"This Time we bring you the first Genetic Loader/Keygen for all AnyDVD Versions. So no new Cracks are needed :-)"

Stop lying guys, because FHCF made this release :)

Date: 15 November, 2004 Topic: It's all over! Posted by: potsmoke

Yep, we did it. We managed to produce 2000 releases, and will now retire.
The last 50 keygens were sent out today, check out the "releases" link for the complete list.

I would like to say thank you to the two most active people, Bondevik and Trevil.
And again i want to say sorry for all the fights we had the last year.

If you're interested in the "whole" story about why it all ended, then continue reading here:

Someone whisperd in my ear that all our releases can be downlaoded here: http://bertil.redexmedia.net/fhcf
I have no idea how long the site will remain, it's not ours.

Please do not contact us about cracking more programs, we have RETIRED!
Other emails are of course welcome.

Total releases

1999 © 2006