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8 Jan. 2008: Happy new year everybody! I'm not dead, although this site is not often updated. I hope I will be more active this year :) Browsing crackmes.de I found a crackme I solved 6 months ago still without any solution: Yonkie's crackme#2. Here it is. Some old sources that I sent to crackmes authors are available here. Not all of them are interesting, and they are too simple to be put on the main page. But it may help you in some cases.

4 Aug. 2007: A very long time without any update. Sorry. Added a solution for MR.HAANDI's first crackme. You have to solve a 4 equations system over Zp*. I solved it using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

1 may 2007: Added a solution for cyclops - CHAKRAVYUHA (small tutorial + keygen). It uses a nice virtual machine to process the serial verification. The routine is then rather simple. Good crackme :)

14 february 2007: Added a solution for Reverend's KeygenMe2 (tutorial + keygen). Also submitted on crackmes.de. This crackme is very interesting. It includes among other a virtual machine with registers from 32 bit to 128 bit, algorithm obfuscation, Taylor expansions. It is really worth having a look at it.

31 january 2007: Added a solution for lord_Phoenix's Crackme #9 (tutorial + keygen). Also submitted on crackmes.de. The keygen includes a solver for Euler's tour, also used in WiteG's crackme 3. I hope it will interest you.

jB <resrever@gmail.com>


Reflexive games Unwraper

An unwrapper that should decrypt all the encrypted executables of the games found on the Reflexive's website. Please do not use it for cracking purposes, and do not steal it.

Spaceship template

A keygen template I coded some months ago. Feel free to improve it. Thanks to CHAAK for the main dialog GFX.

Pourquoi la protection de CloneCD a été cassée.

An essay about strong cryptography implementation (ECNR-241) in a commercial software. I explain how to compute the private key to generate valid licenses, and how to avoid such a weakness. Text is in French, feel free to translate it.

Published on FRET (French Reverse-Engineering Team) website.

jB's ECDLP Solver

Implements Pollard's Rho attack to solve Discrete logarithm problem over GF(p). Supports save and resume. The implementation is really basic. Don't expect too much of it, but it seems to work really fine =)



Yonkie's crackme#2

Keyfile, uses AES and CRC32. A typical protection scheme that could be found in a shareware.
Keygen + Source (C)

MR.HAANDI - SolveIt #1

SHA512, linear equations system over Zp*. Solved using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
Keygen + Source (C, needs OpenSSL to be compiled)


Simple serial verification through a virtual machine.
Tutorial, keygen + Source (C)

Reverend - KeygenMe2

Virtual machine, algorithm obfuscation, Taylor expansion. Check the solution for more details.
Tutorial, keygen + Source (C)

lord_Phoenix - Crackme #9

SCOP (stream cipher), Euler's tour. Solved using Warnsdorff's algorithm (source included).
Tutorial, keygen + Source (C)

cyclops - OZiRiS

Custom block cipher that uses RC4. Should be instructive for average reversers.
Keygen + Source (C)

WiteG - Crackme 12

LUC Cryptosystem + Custom hash. Big headache, but really interesting.
Keygen + Source (C, needs MIRACL)

HappyTown - Crackme_0034

MD4 + SHA256 + HAVAL3-256 + Tiger + RIPEMD160 + MD5 + RSA. For crypto-lovers only.
Keygen + Source (C, needs OpenSSL)

HappyTown - Crackme_0030

Digital signature scheme with message recovery, quadratic residuosity problem.
Keygen + Source (C and asm, needs Miracl)

HappyTown - Crackme_0029

Modular arithmetic, custom hash.
Keygen + Source (C and asm, needs Miracl)

HappyTown - Crackme_0026

Keygen + Source (C, needs Miracl)

BUBlic - Thales keygenme #2

Thales theorem, a little bit harder than the #1.
Keygen + Source (C)

BUBlic - Thales keygenme #1

Thales theorem, nice one.
Keygen + Source (C)

cnbragon - *Funny* KeyGenMe

RSA-640 for detectives!
Keygen + Source (C, needs Miracl)

WiteG - CrackMe 11

ECNR-64 over GP(p^m). Total kick ass, not for beginners at all.
Keygen + Source (C and ASM, needs Miracl)

WiteG - CrackMe 10

ECDSA160. How to generate a signature valid for two different messages? Truly interesting.
Keygen + Source (C, needs Miracl)

Adjiang - KeyGenMe#MD5+TEAN +BLOWFISH+CRC32 Boom

VB keygenme. Only MD5 and base64 for serial generation.
Keygen + Source (C, needs OpenSSL)

warrantyVoider - The secret of the invisible lookup table

NT Kernel level hooking.
Keygen + Source (C and inline asm)

Eastern Dragon - Keygenme #2

Burrows-Wheeler Transform, CRC32.
Keygen + Source (C)

D4ph1 - Crackme #2

Look and say sequence. Nice.
Keygen + Source (C)

ZWT's official keygenme No.1

(Removed on request)
Solved months ago, I guess it is not active anymore. Really interesting.
AES, DES, DSA, CAST, Blowfish and RIPEMD-160.
Keygen and bruteforcer, source (C)

OrCs236 Crackme

Crackme written using AutoIt. I did the same for the keygen :]
Keygen + Source

Driver Crackme by deroko

Driver, garbage code. Serial routine is very easy.
Keygen + Source (asm) + IDA listing

Crackme v22 (mini-psyho) by veneta

First part only. The fun stuff is missing. Maybe later? Beating the computer is too hard :D
Keygen + Source (C)

Citron Keygenme by Bigbang

Keygen + Source (C)

Pamplemousse Keygenme by Bigbang

Modified SHA-1, RSA-222, Runtime DLP Solving (221 bits)
Keygen + Source (C)

KeygenMe #3 by Euclides

Keygen + Source (C)

Dr.Nitro - KeyGenMe iN Morocco n~2

Simple arithmetic with bignums. For beginners.
Keygen + Source (C)


Modular arithmetic (RSA-512)
Keygen + Source (C)

Bratalarm - Just a little Crackme

Complex numbers. Easy stuff.
Keygen + Source (asm) + IDA listing

ROR Official Recruit KeyGen Me No. 1

ECC-32, RSA-64, SHA1 modifié.
Keygen + Source (C)

Cauchy - KeygenMe#2

Taylor expansion for exponentiation.
Keygen + Source (C)

Amenesia - Basis#2

RSA-1024, MD5. Solved using Wiener attack.
Keygen + Source (C) + Maple Worksheet

ScareByte - keygenme #03

Playfair, RIPEMD-160. Several things to reverser. Interesting.
Keygen + Source (C)

SeVeN - WankerKeygenme

Rijndael, MD4 modifié
Keygen + Source (C)


MD5, RC4, Runtime multi factor GQ 512 bits
Tutorial, Keygen + Source (C)

BoR0's 1st keygenme

Serial. Very easy
Keygen + Source (asm)

devilz - Keygen-Me N°5

Keygen + Source (asm)

HAZE - 1st Official Trial

Matrice 6x6
Keygen + Source (C)

MiNoS KeyGenMe #1

Serial, rather nice
Keygen + Source (asm)

x3chun's KeyGenMe #3

RC-2, RC-4, Blowfish
Keygen + Source (asm)

BiSHoP - Crackme3

Keygen + Source (VC++)

BytePtr's Crypto kgme #1

Keygen + Source (asm)

bLaCk-eye - Crypto KeygenMe 1

Modified MD5, discrete logarithm
Tutorial, Keygen + Source (C, miracl)

bundy's keygenme 1

Modular arithmetic / RSA-512
Keygen + Source (C, miracl)

x3chun's Crypto KeyGenMe #2

Modified MD4, TEA
Keygen + Source (C)

pDriLl's Crypto Keygenme 3

ElGamal signature
Tutorial, Keygen + Source (C, miracl)

pDriLl's Crypto Keygenme 4

Tutorial, Keygen + Source (C, miracl)

LuTiN_NoIR - rsakeygenme

MD5, RSA-190
Keygen + Source (asm)

dihux - keygenme 1

Keygen + Source (C, miracl)

KeYFiLe mE by Genaytik

Keygen + Source (asm)

keygenme by SyntaxError // ECLiPSE

Tutorial, Keygen + Source (asm)

Thigo's Keygenme n°X

Tutorial, Keygen + Source (asm)