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²² Web: http://www.immortaldescendants.org ²² Û Û
²² EFnet: #immortaldescendants ²² Û Û
²² Author: tHE ANALYST ²² Û Û
²² Date: 01/20/01 ²² Û Û
²² Topic: Java reversing: reversing ²² Û Û
²² a web chat protocol ²² Û Û
²² Level: Intermediate ²² Û Û
²² ²² Û Û
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- How to reverse the hell out of a web chat protocol -
-Reversing a web Chat protocol -
0)Tools of the trade:
- a java decompiler: JAD
- Some coding knowledge
- Some Zen feeling
Ok.. I bet you are wondering what the heck this tutorial is?
I've never seen an essay like this, so it's kinda new reading
for you reversers.
In this essay I will teach you how to reverse the hell outta a
WEB CHAT protocol, and how to code your OWN CLIENT to chat with.
Also how to find undocumented features like: Private chan (heh!
wanna see your friends doing cybersex?! *roflmao* Ok! so keep
reading ;)
2)Let's go:
Our target: www.aufeminin.com (it is in French, but hell, we
don't wanna chat, we just wanna learn!) It is a nice looking
web chat, coded in java. It is based on another web chat I
hacked several months ago. This chat is *NOT* IRC, it has it's
OWN protocol, so you can't use mIRC or whatever client to chat
on it.
"Damn, that sucks.. how can I chat from my own program?
I don't wanna use a slow browser!" No problem, let's reverse
it ;)
How did i start? Well, I just created an account, then I logged
on and started to study it. It is a BIG java applet with some
stuff like: text color, text size, send text, list of chan
members, talk in private, ignore... Well many options for our c
hat convenience.. so we wanna edit the source of that file and
look around to see what can help us.
First problem! How the heck can we edit the source? well, we
just need the class file, but some info in the HTML loader can
provide us some nice information. Looking my browser window, I
saw a small black bar around the java applet, which fit the
whole broswer window. Let's right click around it and w00t, we
can now edit the source. Editing it, I saw:
-----------------------start of html source---------------------------
auFeminin.com - Dialogue en direct.
---------------------------end of html source ------------------------
From this source, we have learned alot of things! I hope you
see the important things there :) Lemme show you the