WarezPuP Vb crackme 3 tutors by ACiD BuRN ok , another vb crackme tutor from me , but this time it was a little more funny coz the crackme used something against the cracker *g* hehe but you will see !!! Tools needed : Soft-ice 3.x or 4 Smart Check 6 A brain :) ok , i assume you have all this tools , so now lets Rock ! :) ***************** ****1st part***** ***************** Run the crackm me to see the protection and you see a messagebox saying you : "WarezPuP greets all those Crackers who try my third ..." ok , press the OK button. ugh ? another messagebox , saying you same shits :) ok , press the ok Button and now , the crackme end :( what the hell is that ? 1st i though it was a Sice detect so , i ran Smart check on the crackme. so , in Smart check you u run it , you see the 2 messages Boxes and it end... So in Smart check double click on +form1_load well , scroll down until you see the text of the 1st message box. just after all this shit of 'Chr$(integer:blabla)'. you see this : MsgBox(VARIANT:String:"WarezPuP greets all those Cr..." <== this is the 1st messagebox , but we know it end after the second !! ok , so let scroll down and we see : Dir(VARIANT:String:"C\\WINDOWS\SMRTCHCK.TSF",FLAGS:00000000) hmmm, what the hell is this ?? maybe the crackme look for this file and end if it found it !!! hehe ok , make a copy of this file with another name like SMRTCHCK.bak and errase this one. Now restart the crackme , u see the First Nag , but wait ... it run now hehe , we kicked the 1st protection *g* we can see a window with name / serial protection , hehe... ***************** ****2nd part***** ***************** ok , now i will use Sice for this part coz i like this , but i succeed in this task with Smart check too... for this i will use a Search methode who works fine with some VB :) hehe before , read this : so , the search in sice is : S 0 L ffffffff 56,57,8b,7c,24,10,8b,74,24,0c,8b,4c,24,14,33,c0,f3,66,a7 long to type so its a good to put this in winice.dat. the Alt-F4 that is rarely used in your winice.dat file.so you can use Alt-F4 as shortcut ! put this in the winice.dat AF4="^s 0 l ffffffff 56,57,8b,7c,24,10,8b,74,24,0c,8b,4c,24,14,33,c0,f3,66,a7;" This will save you the time of typing all that !! restart your computer now ! When it is done , we can start to crack this babe ! Enter this name and Serial : Enter : ACiD BuRN sERIAL: 11223344 ctrl+D to soft-ice and type bpx hmemcpy, press F5 and click on Ok and we are back at Soft-ice... now press F11 and F12 untill you see Msvbvm50 at the down of the softice window.We are now at the good place , alt+F4 to search the compare emplacement !! Now you should see "search pattern found at XXX:XXXXXXXX". for me XXX:XXXXXX is 25F:7B1DD9EA. Put a bpx on 25F:7B1DD9EA and disabled the hmemcpy bpx ,type bd 0. now press F11 and we break at 25F:7B1DD9EA . it is where is the comparaison , We will see : : 56 push esi : 57 push edi : 8B7C2410 mov edi, [esp + 10] ; Move real serial into edi : 8B7C240C mov esi, [esp + 0C] ; Move fake serial into esi : 8B4C2414 mov ecx, [esp + 14] Press F10 to pass "mov edi, [esp + 10]" and type d edi for see the real serial ! In data window , u must see : 'cauz it is a vb proggy it is in wide format (space between digits). to have the real serial remove the dots. So, the real code is : 1115794Mic9513Fros460540-DSP For check if it is the good one , we will enter: nAME: ACiD BuRN cODE: 1115794Mic9513Fros460540-DSP click on the Button and enjoy your Congratulations Messagebox :) ************************************************************************** *note : in the Zip u can see the screen shots or in this page on my site * ************************************************************************** this message box say you Good , keygen me now , hehe , i have others apps to Crack so i don't have time for playing with this. I think a good look in Smart check will show u lot... keygen it now :) Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of text , but if you have a comment or one question, mail me to : ACiD_BuRN@nema.com or acid2600@caramail.com. have Fun and happy cracking ! greets to my groups : ECLiPSE / PWA / CiA / oDDiTY also greetingz to: R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en , WarezPuP , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN ... Sorry if you are not here too many people to greetz !!!) ACiD BuRN