How to crack Cracker World Crackme 1 cracked by ACiD BuRN hello here :) well this time , my tutor is for a Crackme written in ASM32 where : (E_Bliss site !! too cool) Level : Medium (i wanted to say Easy , but not easy as some) the protections are : - Anti Soft ice - 2 Nags (one of them isn't normal) - Name / Serial tools : - Sice - hex editor - a little brain For this tutor , i assume u know how to use Sice and how to put Bpx ... 1st part : Anti Sice ok , Run the crackme , and u see the messagebox : Disable Sice hehe , i am pretty sure , it is a lame meltice check... Most of Sice check use the API createfileA.. so , in Sice, type : Bpx createfilea and press F5 to leave Sice... Run the crackme again and u will be kicked back in Sice , great !! Be sure , we are in the main exe , and not in window explorer !! hehe , so u break in the crackme , now press F11. In sice you are here now : XXXX:XXXXXXXX 83F8FF CMP EAX,-01 <=== little comparaison XXXX:XXXXXXXX 7406 JZ 00400F7 <=== if EAX = -1 no sice , else Sice! XXXX:XXXXXXXX ................... So , we will change the JZ tp JMP , like this , the crackme will jum all time , like if Sice wasn't loaded :) open the crackme with an hex editor (i use hexwork shop) and search for this bytes : 83F8FF7406 u found them and replace them by : 83F8FFEB06 u need only to patch the 1st time you found this in the file !! save it , and run the crackme... COOL , no more Sice check , you see now a messagebox with : KiLL this Fucking nag as text... we will see this after , for now , i will do the Name / serial. 1st part CRACKED ************************** *2nd Part : Name / serial* ************************** ok , i will try the commom bpx for name / serial : getwindowtexta and getdlgitemtexta. bpx them , and press F5 to close sice. name : ACiD BuRN serial : 121212 Enter your name / serial and press on the check button... Boom , we are kicked in Sice , so press F12 , u can trace little but press F12 a second times instead of tracing with F10. Now , We see this in memory : XXXX:XXXXXXXX CMP EAX,EDX <== compare EAX to EDX XXXX:XXXXXXXX JNZ 0401453 <== if not equal jmp Bad cracker XXXX:XXXXXXXX JMP ....... <== if eax = edx , then jmp Good cracker ............................ So , to found the Good serial , u think : D EAX to see the Fake code and D EDX to see the Good code !! eheh , Wrong answer !! if you look in EAX , u see 6 (my serial length was 6 = 121212) if you look in EDX , u see 80008300 (dunno where this shit come from) so , it compare your serial length with 80008300 (it is hexa) and if the length of your serial is equal to this , the crackme jump to Good cracker message !! 80008300(h) = 2147517184(d) Unless your are crazy !! you won't try to type one serial with this length !!! so when u are at the CMP line in sice , type this: R EAX EDX <== this will copy in EAX the value of EDX now trace with F10 the JNZ won't jump , and now u can press F5 to look your Good cracker message !! : "Good Work" hehe , so , u can enter the name u want , the serial must always have a length of 8008300 in hexa !! u can code a kind of keygen if you want , with random value , but sux , coz no calculations ... 2nd Part CRACKED !!! *********************************** *3rd part : the EXit nag screen !!* *********************************** ok , click on exit in menu or on the cross , and you will see a messagebox saying you : Kill this also , please confirm exit.... i will show kill it like a lazy man !! hehe , in summer , it is hot ! i will only put a bpx on messageboxa to kick this one... so , in Sice : bpx messageboxa , press F5. Click on Exit and u are kicked in Sice :))) press F5 , and you will see the nag , clik on a button , no for exemple and you are back in sice !! you see this : XXXX:004014E5 E8BD000000 Call User32!Messageboxa <== call da bitch XXXX:XXXXXXXX .......... CMP EAX,07 <== we are here ! ok , you see that the call at 4014E5 call this motherfucking Nag so , in sice put a bpx on 4014E5. disable the bpx messageboxa. reclick on the quit menu or cross , and we are in Sice again at the call place now , type : A {enter} nop {enter} nop {enter} nop {enter} nop {enter} nop {enter} {echap} and press F5 , and you won't see any nag asking u to leave !!! Great , we just have noped all the Call to the messagebox :)) now , with an hex editor , search this byte : E8BD000000 (original nag code) and replace it with 5 nops !!! save , run it again , and exit without seeing any NAG !! 3rd Part CRACKED !! ************************ *4th Part : the 1st nag* ************************ the 1st nag is a messagebox too , but not the same this time coz the code , TeXskyman did something to hidde the call of the API.. So the way i explained you doesn't work, i did it , but i don't know how to explain it really good but this worked .Maybe one cracker will Give me another way , but i don't care for now , i kicked this fucking nag!! when you run the crackme u see this text : "Kill this fucking nag" ok , do a ascii search of this text with your hex editor. now , i dunno how to explain but coz we can't see the call in memory due to the hidded trick in this nag , i thought that the call will me after this text , so , i did a search near the down and looked for a : E8 (call start with E8 , not all but lot) i found one , just under the message :) ALL crackers know that a CALL = 5 byte in hexa , so nop it all , save your exe , and Run it... CONGRATULATIONS !! no more nag at start !!! you have now , a crackme without nags , and no problem with Sice ! 4th part CRACKED ! Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of text , but if you have a comment or one question, mail me to : or HaVE PHuN and happy cracking ! Time to Greetz !! greets to my groups : ECLiPSE / PWA / CiA also greetingz to: R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en , WarezPuP , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM... if your name is not here sorry !!! lot of men to greets ! ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA/PWA]