How to crack EscapeRC v1.0.1 by ACiD BuRN [ECLiPSE/CiA] Description : a VB5 Time_Limit! tools used : - Wdasm89 (yes , i wanna have fun!) - hexeditor! the essai : As you can see , the tool used isn't Soft ice or Smart check , but Wdasm !! In Vb app , you can't found string data refernces with the original version of wdasm :( anyway , you can use the imports !! So , run your target , after you moved your computer's date in 2002 for exemple... Boom , you see a messagebox : Trial period is over , BLABLABLA.... ok , the VB apps don't use the API : messageboxa. they use one similar : rtcmsgbox So , in VB, for messagebox , you need to use : Bpx rtcmsgbox (for vb6 : bpx msvbvm60!rtcmsgbox) ok , u can use soft ice , but in this essay i want to show that u can use Wdasm for cracking VB... Fire up , Wdasm , dessasm your target (EscapeRC.exe)... goto imort and look for : rtcmsgbox click 2 times , coz the 1st time is not important. you will see this : * Reference To: MSVBVM50.rtcMsgBox, Ord:0253h scroll up and you see : * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: <== Referenced at |:0041FA39(C) 41FA39 | :0041FB84 B904000280 mov ecx, 80020004 :0041FB89 B80A000000 mov eax, 0000000A :0041FB8E 894DAC mov dword ptr [ebp-54], ecx :0041FB91 894DBC mov dword ptr [ebp-44], ecx :0041FB94 894DCC mov dword ptr [ebp-34], ecx :0041FB97 8D5594 lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-6C] :0041FB9A 8D4DD4 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-2C] :0041FB9D 8945A4 mov dword ptr [ebp-5C], eax :0041FBA0 8945B4 mov dword ptr [ebp-4C], eax :0041FBA3 8945C4 mov dword ptr [ebp-3C], eax :0041FBA6 C7459C205A4000 mov [ebp-64], 00405A20 :0041FBAD C7459408000000 mov [ebp-6C], 00000008 * Reference To: MSVBVM50.__vbaVarDup, Ord:0000h | :0041FBB4 FF158CD34200 Call dword ptr [0042D38C] :0041FBBA 8D55A4 lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-5C] :0041FBBD 8D45B4 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-4C] :0041FBC0 52 push edx :0041FBC1 8D4DC4 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-3C] :0041FBC4 50 push eax :0041FBC5 51 push ecx :0041FBC6 8D55D4 lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-2C] :0041FBC9 6A00 push 00000000 :0041FBCB 52 push edx * Reference To: MSVBVM50.rtcMsgBox, Ord:0253h <=== you land here after click ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So , you saw : Referenced at 0041FA39 in Wdasm , menu goto , and choose Code location and enter : 0041FA39 you will land here : * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:0041FA24(C) :0041FA34 66837DEC1F cmp word ptr [ebp-14], 001F <== compare with 1F (31 in deci) :0041FA39 0F8D45010000 jnl 0041FB84 <== a conditional jump!! :) :0041FA3F 6830394000 push 00403930 * Reference To: MSVBVM50.__vbaNew, Ord:0000h | :0041FA44 FF15E8D24200 Call dword ptr [0042D2E8] :0041FA4A 50 push eax :0041FA4B 6810A04200 push 0042A010 now , u have just to patch it !!! to be sure it works , i changed it to : :0041FA34 66837DEC00 cmp word ptr [ebp-14], 00 :0041FA39 0F8445010000 je 0041FB84 hex edit your target and: - search : 66837DEC1F and change it to : 66837DEC00. - search : 0F8D45010000 and change it to : 0F8445010000 save it , and run it !! WOW !! no more Time limit !! hehe fucking easy !! now , u know how to patch VB using Wdasm !!! Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of text , but if you have a comment or one question, mail me to : have fun... greetings to my groups : ECLiPSE / CiA also greetingz to: (no specific order) R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia , K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas .... i want to greets PWA members , i left this group due to not enough time for them :( sorry Dudes ;) , i will back !! if your name is not here sorry !!! lot of men to greets ! ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA]