how to crack Sionide VB crackme 2 by ACiD BuRN [ECLiPSE/CiA]

Protections : - Pcode
	      - Name / Serial
	      - Serial only
	      - Code Word
	      - Nag (not done yet coz no time to look)

Tools needed : - Soft ice 3.2X or superior (i used 4.01)
	       - Smart check 6

I)Serial Only :

Well , lot of VB apps use the __vbastrcomp function...
So , this crackme is coded in vb6 so in soft ice type : bpx msvbvm60!__vbastrcomp
Now press F5. we return to the prog !

cODE: 112233
Enter a serial like 112233 and press Check !

now , we are in soft-ice due to the bpx ! cool !
you have to press F12 for go in the __vbastrcomp function !
you must see esp in color , it is good !
now type dd esp (to display memory at esp)
you will see : aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd 

try to do d aaaaaaaa , and you won't have interesting things in the
data window.
let's try d bbbbbbbb , and you don't see good thing too...
so , try d cccccccc 


for me , cccccccc = 00402DE4
so just do in soft ice : d 402dE4
and look the serial : 1RTZ-83DP-QU84-ALS4

yes it look like a code ! we will try it !
eheh , cool we get : Well Done , correct serial !
let's go to next part :)

2)Name Serial :

Fire up smart check , open the crack with it , and run it!
click on Name-serial , enter as name : ACiD BuRN  and serial : 112233
click on the check button , you see : Sorry , try again blablabla...
now , exit the crackme , and look in smart check.
double click on the "+   _Click" thing , and now u must see something looking like this :

Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long1,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"A")returns Integer:65
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long2,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"C")returns Integer:67
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long3,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"i")returns Integer:105
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long4,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"D")returns Integer:68
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long5,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:" ")returns Integer:32
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long6,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"B")returns Integer:66
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long7,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"u")returns Integer:117
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long8,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"R")returns Integer:82
Mid(varian:byReF String:"ACiD BuRN",long8,VARIANT:Integer:1)
Asc(string:"N")returns Integer:78

and just below , u see :

MsbBox(VARIANT:String:"Sorry. Wrong...." blablabla

you just have to click on this line , and in smart check , in the view menu
choose : "show all events"...

now , just scroll down a bit and look in the right window in smart check
u must see : 112233
scroll down 2 more times , and you see : ser-81400621
wtf is this ?? it looks like a serial =)
run the crackme again , go in name-serial part and enter :

name: ACiD BuRN
serial: ser-81400621

Click on check , and u see : "Wrong serial blablabla" :-/
duh !!! what the fuck is wrong ??
click on ok, and now you see: "Well Done. Correct Serial" =)))
better now , this crackme is just bugged !! 
we cracked it anyway !!
Let's go in Code World level..

3)Code World:

well , to crack this , it is similar to the serial only part...
do the same technic , and you will get : cracking-up
this is the code word :)
Enter it , and you get the nice msgbox =)
have Fun , and enjoy !


Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of shit, but if you have a 
comment or one question, mail me 
you can found all my tuts at : 

Web page URL:


Greetings to my groups : ECLiPSE / CiA / ODT

Also greetingz to: (no specific order)

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D
Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , 
MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , 
Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en  , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN
Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia ,
K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo , Killer_3K

if your name is not here sorry !!! too much ppls to greets !

				ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA]