How to keygen Lan-Box 1.01 by ACiD BuRN [ECLiPSE / CiA] type: Visual Basic 6 app level: very easy tools needed: Smart check 6 , VB for coding the keygen URL: 1)Intro : well , i am tired , i won't nag u lot in the intro ;) it is a vb prog , i will show u how to keygen it ... btw , A friend did a tut German tut too , i am sure it is good , but i can't read read german heh... 2)time to go ! Fire up your smart check , and open this little shit ;) click on Info button , and then on register now , enter name : ACiD BuRN and serial : 112233 click on the button to check serial , this bitch say us : bad serial blablabla... heh , now end lan-box , in smart check do a search on this text : ACiD you will land where the algo start! now , look a bit , and you see it take ascii value from each letter of the name entered... so , click on this line : asc(String:"A") returns Integer:65 To see what the heck this bitch does with ascii value , click on "show all event" in View menu.. now u see this : asc(String:"A") returns Integer:65 now , you see the crackme taking ascii value of the current char (1st it is "A" from ACiD BuRN) and then it add it to previous ascii value from others chars... 1st it add "65" to "0" coz no chars before "A" ... in smart check you see this with this line : __vbavaradd(VARIANT:Empty,VARIANT:Integer:65) this add 65 to 0 (empty means : no value yet) if you look down , you see same with the next chars of the name "C" (C from ACiD BuRN) Asc(String("C") returns Integer: 67 <== take ascii value of the current char , here "C" then add it to the last add of ascii value: __vbavaradd(VARIANT:65,VARIANT:Integer:67) then u see the result : __vbavarmove(VARIANT:integer:132,VARIANT:Integer:65) the result is : 132 , and the value:65 is the old result.So we can assume it replace 65 by the new value : 132 Well it does this for each char ascii value , so this loop take each char ascii value in decimal from your name , and add them... -------------------------------- A = 65 + 0 C = 67 + 65 = 132 i = 132 + 105 = 237 D = 237 + 68 = 305 space = 305 + 32 = 337 B = 337 + 66 = 403 u = 403 + 117 = 520 R = 520 + 82 = 602 N = 602 + 78 = 680 --------------------------------- so , the final value from this addition of ascii value is : 680 in decimal .... Now , scroll down until the end of the loop on each ascii value of the name ! this is where u see the value '680' :) heh , now look a bit , and scroll down until you see this : __vbavarmul(VARIANT:680,VARIANT:232354) : this multiple the result of ascii value with 232354 the result of this multiplication is : 158000720 __vbavarmul(VARIANT:158000720,VARIANT:653435) : this multiple the result of 1st multiplication with 653435 the result is: 103243200473200 __vbavardiv(VARIANT:1.03243e014,VARIANT:23446534) : this divise the result of 2nd multiplication with 23446534 (note: 1.03243e014 is same than 103243200473200 , it is for this it is good to do calculs)... the result is: 4403345.947558817 (u see this value in smart check) and finaly you see : __vbavarmove(VARIANT:Double:4.40335e+006,VARIANT:Integer:680) this move the final result (good serial) where the value "680" was written , it overwritte it! so , 1st time , i though it was good serial , but it is now !! i entered : 4403345.947558817 it sucked !! bad serial msg box , and shit :-/ if we scroll down a bit you will see this value : 4403345,94755882 let's try it , IT WORKS !! so , i was wondering how 4403345.947558817 become 4403345,94755882 , so i coded the keygen to see how can i fix this prob... i coded it in vb5 , entered : ACiD BuRN as name , and i genrated a serial with my keygen and it give me : 4403345,94755882 Great !! , dunno why it works , maybe coz it is a vb apps , and the keygen is in vb too but we don't care , it works ! i am tired , i don't want to think more! Lemme explain the algo : --------------------------ALGO--------------------------------- 1st : add all ascii value of the name 2nd : multiply the value (of 1st part of algo) with 232354 3rd : multiply the value (of 2nd part of algo) with 653435 4th : divise the value (of 3rd part of algo) with 23446534 ---------------------END OF ALGO------------------------------- the result of 4th is the final serial !! 3)BONUS SOURCE OF THE KEYGEN IN VISUAL BASIC : -----------------------------START OF SOURCE----------------- For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text) temp = Asc(Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)) final = final + temp Next i final = final * 232354 final = final * 653435 final = final / 23446534 Text2.Text = final -----------------------------END OF SOURCE-------------------- to make this work , do a new project in VB , and put 2 text box and one button text1.text = place to enter your name text2.text = the serial will be shown there! nothing more ! Enjoy !! 4)Ending.... Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of shit, but if you have a comment or one question, mail me you can found all my tuts at : MAIL: Web page URL: Enjoy! Greetings to my groups : ECLiPSE / CiA / ODT / EXEC / XTM Also greetingz to: (no specific order) R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia , K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo , Killer_3K TaMaMBoLo , gizmo , Gota , ExtaBrain... if your name is not here sorry !!! too much ppls to greets ! ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA]