CD Check:
TRSI Crackme

Tutorial by ACiD BuRN [Immortal Descendants]

  њ      њ    -  -- A C i D B U R N - P R O D U C T i O N S -- - м   њ     њ
     А    м  А      м м  м       А мА          А м     м         олм   м А
  мллВпплллнмВлппплллнолнолллппплВмоВллпплллмАмВлн пм  олллпплллмАВллм олВм
  лллн АВллнллл Апппп ппп ллл А лллнллл  оллВАВлл А ллнолллн оллВ лллплмлллн
  ВллппплллнлллнА АВлнлллнллл А лллнлллпппллмоллл А лллолллппВллм лллн плллн
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  п      пА  п    п    п       п          п         п   А    п      п  п
  њ      њ    -  -- A C i D B U R N - P R O D U C T i O N S --  -    њ     њ
                                SRT - CRO

level: EASY

intro, ok this crackme is a cd check , u have to make it show u a good message
when u don't have any CD inserted...

run it , without cd , click on the button , and a shitty msg box come (heh :P)
ok , for cd check just put a bpx on getdrivetypea.U will break and press F12
untill you are at the good place in soft ice..

you should see something like this:

025F:00401032  83F805              CMP     EAX,05           <--- is it a CD Rom ??
025F:00401035  75DC                JNZ     00401013
025F:00401037  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:00401039  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:0040103B  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:0040103D  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:0040103F  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:00401041  6A20                PUSH    20
025F:00401043  68F7214000          PUSH    004021F7
025F:00401048  685A224000          PUSH    0040225A
025F:0040104D  E85E000000          CALL    KERNEL32!GetVolumeInformationA
025F:00401052  0BC0                OR      EAX,EAX
025F:00401054  74BD                JZ      00401013          <-- Jump to bad boy
025F:00401056  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:00401058  685F224000          PUSH    0040225F
025F:0040105D  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:0040105F  6A00                PUSH    00
025F:00401061  685A224000          PUSH    0040225A

ok , it's fucking easy , it compare the value in EAX with 5.

the value in EAX can means:

     0                 Drive Cannot Be determined
     1                 Root Dir Does not exist
     2                 DriveRemoveable
     3                 A Fixed Disk (HardDrive)  
     4                 Remote Drive(Network)
     5                 Cd-Rom Drive
     6                 RamDisk

So , this crackme check if it is a CD rom drive , we must have 5 in EAX to be good!
Else , it will jump..

025F:00401032  83F805              CMP     EAX,05          
025F:00401035  75DC                JNZ     00401013        <-- just NOP it

NOP it and it won't jump anymore
open the crackme with an hex editor and look for 83F80575DC and change it in 83F8059090.
After this check , we have seen in soft ice "CALL    KERNEL32!GetVolumeInformationA"
hehe , another common API used in CD check.
it looked like this:

025F:0040104D  E85E000000          CALL    KERNEL32!GetVolumeInformationA
025F:00401052  0BC0                OR      EAX,EAX
025F:00401054  74BD                JZ      00401013          <-- Jump to bad boy

So you just have to NOP this conditional jump, and the crackme is Cracked :)
took me 5 mins to crack and writte the tut on this crackme , but it was nice after 
A fucking day at school ;p

it is finish , i am sure u understood all of this , coz it is very very easy :)


mail me to : or
you can find all of my tuts at :
Web page URL:

group greetings : ID - ECLiPSE - CiA - ODT - EXEC - TiTaNe - PWA - PC - UCF- CORE

Also greetingz to: (no specific order)

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D
Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , 
MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , 
Fire Worx , CrackZ , neural_en  , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN
Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia ,
K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo ,
Killer_3K, TaMaMBoLo , gizmo , Gota , ExtaBrain , Alpine , WarezPup, 
zoltan , [yAtes], TarGon , Icecream , Punkguy2 , Sortof, TRDdonjuan,
Lord Soth, Judged, G-Rom, Quantico, Christal, psike, Leo0n, Albator,
+Spath, +Frog's Print, toutim ......

eheh , i bet i forget some peoples :-/ , sorry !!!

Copyright (c) ACiD BuRN and the Immortal Descendants.

Copyright 1999 ACiD BuRN and the Immortal Descendants