" Eternal Bliss 's Anti Crackme 4 "


This tutorial is coming from... 


ReFleXZ '99
Url: Http://ReFleXZ99.cjb.net
Email: ReFleXZ@fcmail.com


About the essay...

Written by:

Date:2nd June 1999
Program name: Eternal Bliss 's anti crackme 4
Program type: W32
Program location: Here
Program filename: N/A
Program size: n/c

Tools required:
Smart check 6
soft-ice 3.2x (optional)

Difficult level:
Easy (  )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )


Hello !! time to learn again !! , so a long time ago , there ..... lol


About the protection...
Serial protection ....


The Essay...

Well , it is a new tutor! this is for vb cracking !

Protections : 1)sERIAL
3)Anti-Soft Ice

wow , it look difficult but it is very easy to crack !!!

I)how to start ?

when we run the proggy with soft-ice loaded or smartcheck , it end
dirrectly !!
So we have to crack this before !!!

1-smart check (SC) :

the most used protection against SC is the check of the title bar or the windows ID
of smart-check!
to bypass this we can patch of cource , but there is a good thing to do , that it is
to modifie your SC executable for defeat this check !! and most of crackme will work !
you have to search whith hex editor the string of the title and change it .
the best professional way is to trace with soft-ice and to kick it !
but , for now it is not the most important , sure you will kick this very fast !=)


the prog check if soft-ice is loaded and to kick this you have to look with SC.
click on form1_load and you will see that the crackme search the path of the soft-ice exe
and it make a bat file. after it run it and check the result for know if Sice is loaded.
but i have found that the protection against sice have a bug , because when we run it
on the C:\ directly whitout a directory , it work , and when we move it in a directory
the crackme doesn't run due to the check of Sice !!
but for crack this babe i haven't used Sice.
so , we don't care of this !!!
but it is easy to kick that , you have just to kick the routine who make the bat file and bye!

3-)the serial:

for crack it , use SC and just look on command1_click and ont choose show all events.
after this just have a look at the code at the up you see getvolumeinformationA like on this

that sounds good !!! we don't see any calcul , check or something like that so why don't we
try to enter the serial of ou hard disk for code ?
so , i have made a kind of keygen who gives you your hard drives serial and it works good !!
hehe !!!
another one cracked!!
sorry , if there is't lot of explaination , it is coz i haven't lot of times for now , exams
suxx! =)
if you have any questions , mail me at
hope you understand all this text , and i just want to say that this crackme is really interesting
for vb newbies cracker !!
so i would like to thanks Eternal Bliss for his cool work and his good site !!!

ACiD BuRN [ReFleXZ'99] 


Final Notes...
Greetz To:

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D, Jeff, [Virus], Jane , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes ...
---> 4 Being So Good Friends To Me.
Sorry if you are not here too many people to greetz !!!)

                                       ....And All Crackers !!! ....

U can Found me on IRC : At #ReFleXZ99, #Cracking4Newbies , #ECL on Efnet


This tutorial is written for EDUCATIONAL purposes only.
So if you want to use the program after its trial period ends please BUY IT!
Support shareware (and its authors), this is our learning tool!

ReFleXZ is not responsible for any damage caused with this essay or any of its parts.
So everything what you're doing and 'experimenting' is on your own responsibile!

Also, in this tutorial you'll not find any serial numbers, so try to search
elsewhere under Cracks and Warez.

Copyright © 1999-2000 By ReFleXZ '99
All Rights Reserved