About Astalavista.MS Community
Welcome to this website dedicated to the underground news and the underground world.
Astalavista.MS Portal is leading the underground since 2004 bringing new and innovative resources.
Also helping cracking teams in different ways is Astalavista.MS's key to the underground leading.
In 2006 Astalavista.MS started the most important underground project, its own underground forums that grew up very fast
and in two years it became the biggest underground community ever. This website is dedicated to these forums too. This forum is not only
a "full download before you buy" forum but it is also a resource for all those people wanting to learn the arts of reverse engineering.
The most important thing is that all these resources are free from adware/spyware.
Stay with us and be tuned on all underground news.
What is this website about?
The main purpose of this website is to inform you on how to use the Astalavista.MS Underground Forums, to be an important part
of the underground world. This will help you find what you really need and teach you more about computers and software. Here
you will learn everything about AstaTalk (the name of the forums). You will learn about staff,
about best members and about different groups. Also, you will learn about top downloads, about polls results, etc.
This site offers even more... :)
Hopefully we will bring here the underground news, like scene teams news, etc.
Stay tuned and bookmark this site right now!
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