eNTRY 40: animation voice over jobs (28.10.2014 12:38pm) (eMAiL) (hOMEPAGE)
eNTRY 39: test (14.09.2013 1:14pm) (eMAiL)
SAC is better than CRO!
eNTRY 38: tAM / S.H.W.Z (19.08.2012 2:56am) (eMAiL)
hi cro team we like your work and we will be grateful if you make an intro like Core, us S.H.W.Z TeaM
eNTRY 37: Peak (27.06.2012 10:38pm) (eMAiL)
Keep rocking cRO! I hope to see more artpacks in the future :)
eNTRY 36: artstrom (21.01.2012 9:51pm) (eMAiL) (hOMEPAGE)
cro had a huge effect on me when i was young and made me hungry for design, keep up the good work guys
eNTRY 35: Psychic (20.01.2012 7:33am) (eMAiL) (hOMEPAGE)
Hey your website is too good.Keep rocking
eNTRY 34: maurice opare (15.11.2011 11:00am) (eMAiL)
good job.
eNTRY 33: the7Stars (21.09.2011 6:11pm) (eMAiL) (hOMEPAGE)
So happy to see you guys still alive.
eNTRY 32: Noobish Indian (17.06.2010 11:52pm) (eMAiL) (hOMEPAGE)
Thanks for your and scene work guys.. U know what i want to support u. But what can i do, if i need to support u then i will have to fuck p2p :P , lol but i cudn\'t even come to knw about u if no p2p exists. I know u wud spread the Scene Sites and it wud be as famous as google if the DCMA and thos moderfuckers wudn\'t exist :) , but u know everything has a limit..
Keep up the good work (i dont have any authority to say that :( ) ..
Thanks for your work Scene and chemical reaction..
eNTRY 31: z3brA (13.05.2010 11:10am)
w...wOw... very nice works!
I'm respect your group :)