Hello dear visitors,
It has been more than a year that my website is down.
Big Thanks to Woodmann for hosting my modest page.
This site is about Reverse Code Engineering. You will find
tutorials i wrote several years ago about software protections.
For all warezpupz out there, this site is *NOT* a warez headquarter.
You will never find any cracks here, so leave it now if you were looking for some.
However, if you are a knowledge seeker, jump in the tutorials section and learn.
Old tutorials have been removed, because they sucked shit.
Useless Tutorials also have been removed.
This said, my Visual basic study from 1999 is worth reading for any VB aspiring cracker.
Keygenning4newbies is back!
I advice you to read the
You should also read my
Finally, you can also sign the bloody
Here are some links you could visit :
Links page