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Our philosophy

To the program authors/software companies,

FHCF consists of nice guys who reverse engineer (cracks) for fun and knowledge. None of us are great fans of the warez scene, in fact we 'hate it' in a way. We do not take part in the warez scene, neither do we support the mentality of the warez community. We do not think all software should be free.

If you want us to stop cracking your software, all you have to do is send an e-mail to team_fhcf@hotmail.com.
Several other authors and companies have done the same, but we'll keep their names a secret in order to stop other groups from getting any idéas of wich program to crack next.

If our knowledge has hurt you and/or your company in any way, we apologize. As we said earlier, we only do this for fun and knowledge, and in the end, there's nothing in it for us except the knowledge.

- the FHCF team

1999 © 2006