
Our Software

Software coded by our coders

SerialKiller's Keygenning Tool v.2 (2008)

A tool to help you keygenners

Just download and use it, if you find any bugs report it to us. Download

cLoNeTrOnE's Astalavista.MS Post Editor 2007

This is a Post Editor [Offline]. What is it about?

-Alright, this program was coded to make your post editing experience much more easier and interactive. The other purpose is to overcome the weakness of the Built-In Post Editing Environment at PHP Boards used on forums. It have weakness. But what weakness?

-The weakness that i'm talking about is the tags. Like for example --> [b][/b] - We use those tags to BOLD a text, word or character. The problem here is that we don't actually see the effect until we press the [Submit] or [Preview] button. This program has a nice built in editor that works like the one in Microsoft Word. The only different is that this program can convert the text that you have Formatted [Bold,Italic,Underline...etc] into text with tags. All the needed tags are automatically added to you post with a click of a button only. Your job is to edit [ Highlight And Apply ],Convert, copy , paste the copied text into Forum's Built-In Editor and press the [Submit] Button.

-However, this program has it's own defects...Currently this program can only handle few formatting options - [Bold, Italic, Underline , Color AND Size]...The rest you have to add by yourself. Come on, this program is not built to completely replace the Forum's Built-In Editor.

-The one thing that you can be proud of about this program is the Color and Size formatting options. They are well coded. The Color part is very interesting and i wasted most of the time getting it right. That's all you need to know right now.

-There are few things that you cannot change. Like the Default Text Color which is white and the Default Text Size which is 13. This harcoded value can only be changed by me[Coder]. This doesn't affect you post editing experience. It only affect the default Text Size and Text Color. You are free to choose whatever color to apply to you post, though.

-Be aware of you post length. Lengthy post will slow the compilation time. Also there is no turning back once you have pressed the [Convert] button. I suggest you to save your work before converting the text if you are typing a lengthy post. Otherwise, you are safe. Download Post Editor 2007