
Web Resources

Sites where you can find real content

Astalavista.MS Community

Everyday growing community, there you will find basic cracking tutorials and a big helping around community. Join now and become a citizen of the Underground World. Visit Astatalk Download Site

c0rk's website

Good site with cracking tools, crack me's, etc. Visit Site

CiM (Crack in Morroco)

Great team with a cool website where you can find cracking tools, etc. Visit Site

Programmers Tools

Find programmers tools that you will need in any reversing experience. Visit Site

The Lamerz Group

Great cracking team, making of the scene a place with more quality content. Visit Site

Bokiv's website

Bokiv's cracker web resource. Visit Site

Arab Team 4 Reverse Engineering

Arabic reversing team. Visit Site

United Albanian Reverse Engineers (ex. KraX/UAC)

An albanian former team, the forum is in albanian language. Visit Site

Submit your site if it is releated with our content, or suggest one. e-mail us